
I went on a “sniff trip” Monday morning in search of some oils to complete a client’s project. While I was sniffing– trying to make a decision on what combination I thought would be best to suit her needs– I came across a bottle of frankincense oil. I must admit, I never smelled frankincense before that day. I was always turned off by its description, thinking that it would make my creations smell like incense. I can’t stand that spicy/earthy smell that I think all incense have! So just out of pure curiosity I took a whiff… and oh let me tell you I was soooooo pleasantly surprised! One sniff made me smell it again…. and again… and again. It didn’t smell like incense at all!!!

Its a known fact that smell is the sense most closely linked to memory. Frankincense brought back memories of my childhood summers spent at bible camp. How ironic! Frankincense was used to adorn baby Jesus at birth and it reminds me of the times in my childhood when I felt closest to Him. My fondest memories are from bible camp. I made friends there to last a lifetime… in fact that’s where I met my honey :-).

At camp there was no television, no radio, cell phones or pagers… just a bunch of kids running free on the grounds participating in fun activities and having bible study. It was a week of bliss where you forgot about sirens and smog and whatever problems you had at home. There was nothing for your little heart to worry about. Camp made such an impact on all of us that we would anticipate that one week in the summer all year long.

In honor of this priceless memory, I’m going to make myself a fragrance centered around the wonderful smell of frankincense. Maybe in my creative journey I’ll happen upon some other scents that remind me of that sacred place. [sigh]