
Techie Tuesday: Beauty Slime

I’m sure we are all familiar with snails and the slimy little trail they leave behind. I once had an intimate relationship with a few snails in middle school. They were unwilling participants in a science project I developed regarding second hand smoke. FYI– I no longer use animal testing. The slime was gross to say the least, but snails were the lesser of evils. I worked with mealworms first–extra gross!– and I can’t even bear the sight of slugs. Much to my surprise, snail trails have a profound application in cosmetics and skin care treatments.

The use of snail extract in beauty treatments was discovered accidentally by snail farmers in Chile. They noticed that cuts healed rather quickly and that all of the workers on the snail farm had unusually soft, supple hands. Typically, hard work with your hands equals hard, calloused hands, but that certainly was not the case. After taking the time to really think about it, it should be no surprise that snail slime has these properties. Critically thinking, snail’s soft bellies travel over some very rough surfaces, yet they keep going and never appear to get injured. Scientists discovered that the snail extract–Helix Aspersa Muller Glycoconjugates– contains collagen, allantoin, glycolic acid, elastin and antibiotics. Allantoin is responsible for skin regeneration. It is the anti-oxidant that allows a snail to repair/rebuild its shell if necessary. Glycolic acid is useful in hydrating and exfoliating the skin as well as assisting natural collagen production. The antibiotics in snail extract are a combination of peptides and Vitamins A, C and EA which work together to fight bacteria.

This is not ‘new’ science. The first snail cream was patented in 1995. It was used to fight wrinkles, acne, and age spots and to treat minor burns, cuts, stretch marks, warts, ingrown hairs, etc. The snails used to make various snail trail cosmetics are raised in a controlled environment to ensure they produce optimal extract. But how is the slime extracted?

One patented method is to agitate the snails in warm water. The water is then filtered to collect only the snail extract. I’ve read of other methods that were much more harsh than this. One involved removing the shell and cutting the fatty parts of the snail. Now is that really necessary? There is also concern about how effective the extract is after being stolen from the snail. Son of the Chilean farmer who originally discovered this miracle slime has developed a process to extract the slime and preserve its qualities. He claims his method does not harm the snails but that is definitely under suspicion since the method is top secret.

While it is a known fact that the snail trail has all these magnificent properties, there is no guarantee that they actually make it into your jar of cream or vial of serum. Additionally, the synthetic ingredients typically found in our beauty products may greatly alter the effectiveness of such a concoction.

Eating Pretty

If a poll was taken of all my friends and family, it would reveal that I like to eat just as much as I like to ‘get pretty’. Why not make it a package deal? I’ve found that certain staples in my diet actually work wonders for my skin. Here’s why:

First and most important… I stay away from fast food. Of course I grab a burger every once in awhile, but home cooking has greater appeal to my appetite. Besides its more economical to cook, the money I save on food can be used to buy clothes and shoes. 😉 Whole foods (fruits, vegetables, nuts and berries) are rich in vitamins and minerals, many of which your body does not produce on its own.

Vitamin A prevents dry, flaky skin and helps maintain epithelial tissue (covers organs/organisms- your skin). Cantaloupe, Papaya and other citrus fruits contain Vitamin A. Pro-vitamin A (beta-carotene) protects your skin from sun damage and prevents wrinkling and age spots. Its like sunscreen from the inside out! Dark skin on fruits and vegetables is an indication of the presence of beta-carotene.

The same foods that have a high content of Vitamin A usually have a good amount of Vitamin C as well. Vitamin C is not just good for your immune system; it works wonders for your skin too! It is an anti-oxidant that improves skin cell turnover (younger cells=younger skin) and the formation of collagen. Collagen is responsible for skin elasticity and firmness which results in a more youthful appearance. Similarly, Vitamin E reduces the production of collagenase (anti-collagen) which causes skin sagging and wrinkles. Nuts and leafy green vegetables are a good source of Vitamin E. Add some fish and whole grains to your diet to aid in normal oil production thanks to the Vitamin B they contain. And for you notorious tea sippers; switch to green tea which speeds up the skin cycle and reverses aging.

So my suggested pretty eating plan is– have a fruit salad for breakfast (use fruit that is in season) Organic is good too I guess… I’m not an organic fanatic. For a snack, pop some nuts and have a cup of green tea. Have a green salad for lunch. And finally have fish for dinner a couple times a week— try salmon, trout and tuna… but be careful too much fish can lead to mercury poisoning.

While I love playing in my makeup on occasion, natural beauty is very important to me… so here’s to eating pretty!!! Tell me how it works for you.