
Techie Tuesday on Saturday: Parabens… Why Care?

I think I can keep this short and sweet. In recent years there has been a big fuss made about parabens in cosmetic applications. So what’s it all about? Parabens are preservatives used to protect your personal care products from the growth of harmful microorganisms. Most personal care products have water as one of the main ingredients. Any product that contains water can grow some really nasty stuff so preservatives are a must. Sidebar– while I’m an advocate and producer of natural personal care products, I firmly believe in the use of some sort of preservative system. I do not think it is safe to sell natural products without preservatives because the average consumer does not consider expiration dates.– The most commonly used parabens are: methylparaben, propylparaben and butylparaben. They are usually used together to minimize the amount of preservatives necessary to achieve the same end result.

Parabens have been confirmed to be safe by both the FDA and the Cosmetic Ingredients Review expert panel in the concentrations used (0.01-0.3%). The problem is parabens have been found in the breast tissue of breast cancer patients. So the premise is; because parabens are in breast cancer tissue, parabens must cause breast cancer…. not necessarily true. In the studies conducted, normal breast tissue was not tested for the presence of parabens. So who knows, they may exist naturally! Parabens also exhibit estrogen like behavior. Estrogen activity has been linked to the occurance of breast cancer. However, parabens have much lower estrogen levels than what is naturally found in the human body.

Armed with this info, its now up to you to decide if you believe the hype. As a scientist, research carries a whole lot of weight to me. Personally, I am not alarmed by the ‘possibility’ of parabens causing breast cancer… but just in case, you won’t find those preservatives in my line of products.

Fresh Idea Friday: PINK

One of the many objectives of my company is to make charitable contributions to organizations that work to improve the overall health and well being of women. One of the charities I chose to support is the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. In honor of this cause, I will create a series in my line dedicated to breast cancer awareness.

The inspiration for the PINK scent stems from the very popular pink ribbon. The pink ribbon represents more than a fight for breast health to me. I see it as a symbol of a woman’s shining glory during times of adversity, femininity and strength, perseverance and love. Fighting the disease that attacks the very essence of a woman, her most feminine attribute, is quite a glamorous task. I say that because a glam woman is a strong woman. She doesn’t lose herself in her sufferings and everything she experiences makes her a better woman. And to top all of that off, some women even leave the ordeal with a brand new pair of perky, pretty boobies! (I think we all wish for that at some point or another).

The rhinestone pink ribbon represents the glam breast cancer survivor. The feisty, jazzy little thing that loves to play in makeup and wear expensive perfume. That gorgeous woman who didn’t let breast cancer take her down wears this ribbon as a badge of honor. And those who lost a loved one to the disease wear it as a reminder of that pretty lady who will forever be a resident in their hearts…

I joined the fight because I believe there is hope for healing. One day, breast cancer patients will no longer have to weigh the odds… survival will be an absolute. I’ll toast to that!