
Small World

Happy Valentine’s Day! Enough with the mushy stuff…

I recently subscribed to a blog by Seth Godin. I still haven’t figured out exactly what the overall purpose of his blog is, but he has some interesting ideas and advice. This morning I revisited a post where he proposes the idea of making the world smaller so you can conquer it. The premise is that the world is so profound that taking it over can be an overwhelming thought and an even more impossible task; instead concentrate on one segment of it and take that by storm.

This post came at such a good time for me. In developing my company I have big dreams and ideas. I often have sleepless nights because I can’t seem to turn my brain off. While I still plan to make my company a world treasure, I think its important that I take baby [Hughey] steps to get to my ultimate goal. For now, I am dedicated to offering my products nationally via the website (coming soon) and providing my service locally. By establishing my brand in the local market, I am sure to attract attention nationally and eventually on the international level. Of course I know I have to be active and pro-active in reaching my goals, but by cutting one slice of the pie at a time, my goals are more easily measurable and attainable.

I hope you take this as food for thought in your own endeavors. Don’t be overwhelmed by your dreams, embrace them and make them happen!

Spread the love today!!!

Fresh Idea Friday: It Just Spoke To Me!

I was thumbing through my January issue of Styleline (Metro Detroit) and I came across this chair. It just spoke to me! I have a tendency to be drawn to odd pieces. Something about this chair is classic and conservative yet funky and fresh. As you already know, I draw inspiration from all sorts of different sources. This is the flavor of the day.

The bright colors offer a grand contrast against the sterile white background… and the print is a combination of tropical jungle and paisley?! Whatever it is I love it. So what scent did it inspire? Maybe a floral base with citrus and berry top notes… it will definitely be something fun, feminine and flirty but sophisticated enough for the professional glam woman!

The scent inspired by this crazy looking chair will be included in the signature series of my company. Look for it!

Oh, by the way…. if you love this chair like I do, you can find it at Pottery Barn (Brooks Slipcover Chair in Bettina) for a cool $629-829.

Techie Tuesday: Creating Shine

What woman doesn’t want skin that glows or hair that shines? Exactly. The geniuses in cosmetic science are constantly working to provide products that give your face that dewy, youthful glow or “hair so healthy, it shines”. Fortunately, cosmetic scientists are highly educated in the fields of chemistry, biology and physics. We know what your skin and hair needs, the particulars about how light is reflected and exactly what ingredients will produce the end effect. Here’s the science in a nutshell…

In order to create shine, the surface in question must be great at reflecting light. So in the lab, cosmetics are made with ingredients that have a large flat surface area (for optimal light reflection) that will rest on the skin or coat the cuticle layer of the hair. There are some simple things you can do at home to help out. Product build up, dirty skin and clogged pores cause scatter— light bouncing off a surface all willy nilly— which results in the appearance of dull skin and hair.

To improve the appearance of your skin, exfoliate once a week. Include it in your Sunday ritual so that you start the week looking gorgeous darling!!!! For your face, follow up with a toner and moisturizer suitable for your skin type. For your body, use your usual lotion, cream, or body butter…. in the winter months you may want to mix in a little light oil.

Now for the hair… shampoo and deep condition your hair once a week. This is imperative for healthy hair. Dirty hair and scraggly ends are sure to cause scatter. Use cool water for your final rinse. This will help smooth the cuticle layer and encourage natural oil production from the scalp. Use a blow dryer or a flat iron as a final step to smoothing the cuticle layer. You may or may not see instant results, but over time your hair will be light, fluffy and shiny.

Here’s to the glam life!

To read more about the technical side of scatter and shine follow the link to Cosmetiscope.

Maintenance Monday: Create Rituals

Happy Monday!!!! This morning I began reading a wonderful book [Living a Beautiful Life by Alexandra Stoddard] that is ultimately a guide to living a fulfilling life. The book focuses on making small changes in your day to day life that makes necessary tasks enjoyable. The first chapter of the book discusses creating rituals for things that you do anyway ie bathing, sleeping, eating etc.

Let’s take baby steps… most of us already have a bathing ritual. We take showers or bubble baths with our favorite body wash, then slather on the best lotion for our skin right? But is the bathroom esthetically pleasing? Are our towels super big and plush? Do we have spa quality robes and slippers to put on when we get out?

My suggestion: add a little beauty to your bathing ritual. Pick a color scheme that makes you feel good when you’re in the room. Add a beautiful painting or a vase. Scented candles make a big difference in the way you feel about your environment. Try some aromatherapy candles which are designed to induce specific feelings. Basically, turn your bathroom into your at home spa. A little pampering goes a long way to improving the way you feel about yourself. Take a little time for you.

Decide on a ritual today and let the beauty begin! Have a wonderful week.


I’m beyond excited!!!! My plans for my cosmetic company are finally coming together… I’ve been a stay at home mom for a few months now so I’ve had more time to focus and get it together. Its almost time for me to purchase a hot new pair of “I’m about my business” pumps!!! Any suggestions?

I still cannot release the name of the company or any of the particulars, but rest assured that will be coming soon. I plan to launch with a giveaway worth about $500. It will be a big deal! So make sure you check in daily.

Ok, so I’m in the process of making final decisions about product offerings, pricing and location. I should have a whole lot more to tell you all by next Saturday. In the meantime, I’ll continue to post daily. Here’s the weekly rundown:

Maintenance Monday— What better way to start your week than with a little encouragement and a few strokes to your ego. Every Monday, expect a post that will push you to give yourself a little TLC and to encourage you to indulge in your vanity (every woman has atleast a little, its ok!)

Techie Tuesday— This will be about about the latest in Cosmetic Science… you gotta know what to expect from your favorite brands right?

Um, What?! Wednesday— Spotlight on one long and hard to pronounce ingredient in your personal care products… You’ll get the good, the bad and the ugly!

Timeless Treasures Thursday— A weekly moment in history discussing the evolution of big time cosmetic companies… wouldn’t you like to know how it all started? I would!

Fresh Idea Friday— Find out about my current inspiration and what direction it may lead me… pretty interesting I’d say, but you be the judge!

Weekends are a free for all. Got an idea? Send me an email!


Lady Lauder

In my quest to launch my cosmetic company, I thought it necessary to learn how the most successful companies came to be. So… every friday we will explore the big names in beauty. I chose to start with Estee Lauder because it is timeless, well noted and one of the first names that comes to mind in fine cosmetics and fragrances. The woman behind this company was such a power house! And let me be the first to tell you I’m all about the ambitious woman!

The inception of this company stemmed from a cream made by the uncle of Josephine Esther Mentzer (Estee Lauder). In 1944 Lady Lauder began pushing her product line in New York salons and small scale department stores and soon enough she landed counter space in Saks Fifth Ave. She personally traveled the country training her staff in the proper way to relate to customers and sell the products; teaching them her philosophy. Estee Lauder was the first company to offer free samples as a marketing strategy; one that I think is ingenious and truly necessary. Over the years, Mrs. Lauder’s desire to beautify women and drive to succeed led to the inclusion of perfumery and a host of other cosmetic companies under the Estee Lauder umbrella [Clinique, Prescriptives, Origins to name a few]. Estee Lauder truly left a legacy for her family, aspiring cosmetic scientists and entrepreneurs worldwide.

There are so many parallels between Lady Lauder and myself that after reading her story I am even more inspired, excited and encouraged to keep moving closer to my dreams.

Follow the link in my References list to learn more about Estee Lauder, the lady and the legend.