
Fabulous Smells and Cocktails

If you’re following me on Twitter (@Glam_Scientist or @envielabs)then I’m sure you’ve notice how extremely excited I am about Fabulous Smells and Cocktails. Susan Vernicek of Identity Magazine and I have been working nonstop to make sure this event is everything it is promised to be. This is the first of many events that we plan to host across the country. This time around, we’re catering to the Glam Women of New York, New Jersey and Philadelphia. The event will be held on January 28, 2010 at 141 South Restaurant and Bar in Union, NJ.

Each of our guests will have the privilege of creating their own custom fragrance with me. I will be right there to give every woman one on one attention to make sure the fragrance she gets is something she will really enjoy. The fragrances we will create will be made from pure essential oils in a base of jojoba oil. Whatever your taste in fragrance, whether its floral, spicy, citrus, oriental or a combination, we will create something you can enjoy that is ALL YOURS! *Insert spookie, mad scientist laugh here*.

In addition to creating your own fragrance, you will have the opportunity to participate in the decision making for the new fragrance in the works for Identity Magazine. Susan wanted a fragrance that would fit the personality of her magazine and celebrate the individuality of her readers. We thought the best way to get the perfect fragrance would be to include you in the process. If you’ve ever wondered how celebrities “design” a fragrance, this is how! The perfumer presents them with several fragrance samples and the celebrity critiques and evaluates the fragrance until it is something they can agree to. In this case, you are the celebrity. You will sample and comment on 6 or more fragrance options to help Susan and I come to a final decision. How exciting!

Finally, our guests will not only leave with their own personalized fragrance, but with a goodie bag FULL of interesting and unique gifts. We’ve got premium teas, lip gloss, mini bottles of specialty vodka, free yoga passes, boutique gift cards and so much more. AND…. one of our guests will receive a gift bag valued at over $200 from our raffle.

Susan and I hope that you will come to our event and enjoy all that we have to give. Currently, tickets are only $15, but the price will go up as we get closer to the event. Included in your ticket price are your custom fragrance, drink specials, finger foods and raffle tickets. The bar and kitchen will be open for you to purchase items from the 141 South Restaurant and Bar menu.

Purchase your tickets here: Fabulous Smells and Cocktails

See you soon!

Personal Branding

We are all familiar with the cliche– “First impressions are lasting impressions.” It seems that today this couldn’t be more true. Personal Branding is the concept of packaging yourself in a way that makes you marketable in your career, allows you to command attention when you enter a room and leads to an overall increase in self esteem. The goal is to present yourself in the manner in which you want to be perceived. For many of us, this is simply a matter of playing up existing attributes; for others its a ‘fake it til you make it’ undertaking.

For the purposes of this post, let’s focus on the superficial packaging; the ‘you’ people perceive at first sight. As much as I despise it, the way you present yourself has great bearing on the opinions formed by others. Excess facial hair gives the idea that you have something to hide. A slovenly appearance indicates laziness and lack of ambition… and so on. The clothes you wear, style of your hair, your makeup routine all say something about who you are as a person or better yet how others view you.

Less considered but no less important is the fragrance you wear. It is a little known fact that smell is the sense most closely related to memory. The scent you wear can invoke thoughts, impressions and memories in others as well as in yourself. Oftentimes, people wear fragrances that are a mismatch to their personality and/or goals. For this reason, I recommend adding a custom fragrance to your personal branding package. A fragrance made to suit your unique persona can not only improve your first impressions, it can also induce confidence, self assurance and assertiveness.

Contact Envie Bath and Body to inquire about custom fragrance services. Introductory pricing applies for a limited time only!