
Goals are dreams with a deadline. They are so necessary for achieving success, especially if you want to get there sooner than later. Setting goals is the first step in your journey to accomplishment. There are many different methods and philosophies for setting and accomplishing goals. I’ll share my personal method in case you’re curious. But I encourage you to do what works for you. The most important thing to do is actually set them.
Before I set any goal, I dream. I dream BIG and in COLOR. I visualize myself doing the work, I see inventory coming in, I see the product on the shelves and I see myself pitching the product to buyers. And then I see myself enjoying the success. I daydream about reinvesting profits and buying myself “Congratulations, you did it!” gifts.
After I’ve seen it all, I write the goal down; very literally. I’ll have my main goal and supporting goals that will help me get to the main. Once the goal is on paper, I write a plan of action. I break the goal down to each and every step I need to take to get there and then I tag those steps with a date. I can’t stress how important dates are. They create discipline and give you something to look forward to. You won’t always make the mark. That’s ok. Just set a new date and pick up where you left off. If you prioritize your goals and work the action steps, you’re guaranteed to make progress. Just make sure you’re checking in with yourself from time to time to analyze your methods and your progress. It’s always ok to re-work the plans when they aren’t serving you well. Just get moving!
How do you set your goals? Share your method with us.

Here’s to the Glam Life!