
Crazy Week!

Hello All! This week has been like a roller coaster; plenty of ups and downs. I’ve been coping with the inevitable. Regretfully, my official launch which was originally scheduled for April 1, 2009 must be postponed. There are some loose ends that cannot be tied right now and I just can’t reconcile a raggedy launch. My line means too much to me not to be perfect. I am, however, able to offer my custom services. I’m in the process of setting up a temporary website where the services are explained in detail. As soon as it is up and running I will post the URL.

I want to thank everyone who has been a support to me in this venture. Doors and windows are being opened for me everyday. Success is right around the corner!

Now, I owe you all a techie post and an um, what?! post. I’m throwing out the daily post assignments. Life is getting increasingly hectic so I may not be able to post everyday, but you will still get the same substance. Please continue to visit daily and tell your friends about the site.


Maintenance Monday: You Can Do Anything!

Almost everyone has a dream that seems unattainable. You alone may not think you can pull it off, then you make the mistake of sharing your dream with someone totally undeserving of hearing it and you get the “now what makes you think you can do that?” look. Unfortunately, we can be our own worst enemy and friends and family are our resident goon squad. No wonder the dream seems impossible, there is no faith and positivity behind it.

If there is a dream in your heart, you have the responsibility to work towards it. All things are possible, especially those things you have a strong desire to achieve. The first step to living your dreams is to tell yourself you can do it. Start your mornings by speaking to yourself in the mirror; allowing only positive affirmations to leave your mouth. Example monologue: “Good morning Desiree! The start of this day brings you closer to your dream. You are hardworking, steadfast and dedicated to your goals. The ball is in your court and you’re destined to win. Don’t allow the negativity of others ruin your day. You are positive and will reap the benefits of your disposition. Have a very productive day! I love you!”

You may find it helpful to write a script to memorize and recite every morning. Having a standard conversation with yourself every morning will prevent you from saying anything negative by accident. Lets face it, some days we just don’t feel positive, but positive affirmations can make all the difference on those days. I emphasize the mirror because it is important that you see you telling you great things. You have to believe yourself in order to combat the negativity of others.

Although I would prefer not to hear anyone say what I want can’t be done, I accept it as a challenge. I get a kick out of showing Mr. and Mrs. Negative that I can indeed do the impossible. I believe that is a great approach to reversing the negativity– Oh you don’t think I can? Just watch me!!! Prime example— I’m starting a company during a recession that hasn’t even peaked yet, but I can guarantee you I will succeed!

In closing, you know who the nay sayers are. They don’t deserve the privilege of knowing your dreams. They’ll know soon enough when you’re living it!

Be unstoppable!

Maintenace Monday: Beauty All Around You

“Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

As spring peeks around the corner, so do endless opportunities to experience beauty at its finest. As the snow melts, the grass “greens” and flowers begin to bloom. The transition alone is breathtaking. There is a light, fresh scent in the atmosphere, a gentle breeze in the air and the sun peaks with a delicate glow. All the changes in the environment refresh the mind, body and soul of women everywhere and there is a sort of trickle down affect that induces a change in our own appearances.

I’ve noticed that everything about a woman becomes more feminine as the weather breaks. The make-up gets lighter– softer colors, shimmer foundation and lip gloss instead of opaque lipstick. Much of the red nail lacquer is replaced with sweet pinks, lavenders and ice blues. And we trade in the gray and navy blue sweaters for funky green and spunky pink blazers and airy dresses.

I’ve always been able to recognize beauty in other women. I notice great hair and skin, a woman’s sense of style and the way she carries herself with confidence and grace. Although I don’t always express a compliment, I have a great respect and appreciation for the beauty of a woman. As an exercise in self esteem, take the time to enjoy all of the springtime scenery; the weather, the plant life and the beauty of the human race. The ability to recognize the beauty of another woman without feeling threatened or intimidated is a sure signed of inner security.

Take it all in!


I haven’t posted anything since Wednesday for good reason. Primarily, as April 1 draws near, I have quite a few loose ends to tie. I’ve been making final touches on the scents for the signature series. I’m rather pleased with the results so far. I was also working on a project for a client which is now awaiting her approval. Lastly, I have developed preliminary formulas for the next set of products to roll out. I would like to make them available in mid-April. Let me tell you they are divine! I’ll wait awhile before I tell you what they are in case I change the order of product release.

About the blog posts… I think Timeless Treasure Thursday has come close to running its course. I may write about a company from time to time, but ultimately the subject matter for Thursday will be replaced. I may begin to cover trends in hair, skin, makeup and nail care and periodically tie Thursday’s posts in with Fresh Idea Friday. Another thought is to add another self esteem day. Sort of a “touch up” to follow Maintenance Monday. We’ll play it by ear for now.

Be glamorous!

Maintenance Monday: Strength and Compassion

I had the pleasure of attending a very honorable event this past Thursday evening. The Vanguard Awards produced by the Detroit Young Professionals organization recognized 10 very deserving individuals who are making a significant impact on Metropolitan Detroit. One of the honorees, Kalyn Risker, stood out to me more than any of the others. The minute this woman began to speak, I could see her inner beauty shining bright like a beacon of light. Kalyn Risker is the founder of S.A.F.E (Sisters Acquiring Financial Empowerment) a non-profit organization dedicated to helping domestic violence survivors overcome the economical pains of leaving an unhealthy relationship.

Ms. Risker spoke with such passion, determination, strength and compassion about her cause. I made a point to introduce myself to her and extend my resources to her organization for more reasons than one. I truly believe that her mission will reach a multitude of suffering women which is reason enough to want to help. But more than that, this woman exudes the type of inner beauty that I have spoken so much about on Maintenance Mondays. Having overcome her own hardships, Risker seeks to empower other women to do the same. I applaud her efforts and look forward to working with her in the very near future.

Kalyn Risker is an example to us all. Continue striving to be your very best self— inside and out. And don’t forget to fight for a cause you believe in. Everybody needs some sort of help, why not be the one to offer it?

Click on SAFE to visit the website to learn more about Kalyn Risker’s organization. Remember, nonprofits can always benefit from monetary support. Large or small, your donation will make a difference.

Techie Tuesday: Toner

There is an on-going debate in the world of beauty about the use of toner. There are some experts that say it is a necessary step in your everyday beauty regimen. Others disagree and of course some are on the fence. Historically toner was used as a secondary cleanser to remove residue from the first cleanser and any makeup left behind. With the advances made in cosmetic science over the years, many experts feel cleansers rinse clear enough to skip the toner step. Quite a few women disagree! After cleansing their faces, they still get dirt on the cotton ball when they swab with a toner. Why would that be? The experts against toner say “Get a better cleanser.”

The ingredients in a typical toner are the main source of concern for many experts. Included are astringents and alcohols which are rather irritating to the skin. Because of the drying effect of astringent and alcohol, toner is often only recommended for people with excessively oily skin. Also important to note, quite a few women enjoy the ‘tightening’ sensation they feel in their skin after the use of a toner; however, this is not really a good thing as it is clearly an indication of drying.

I, for one, am an avid user of toner. I have extremely dry skin and am prone to dry patches (aargh!). I’m constantly fighting with my skin to exfoliate, cleanse and moisturize in a way that isn’t overly drying and doesn’t cause random breakouts. Its a never ending battle! I use moisturizing toner, which I find is easy on my skin and helps to remove the nasty little flakes left behind after I’ve cleansed or scrubbed. I don’t recommend astringents or alcohol in the use of any personal care products, especially not on the face. To me, the skin on the face is just much to precious!

There is clearly no right or wrong in this issue. Do what is best for your skin. Only you know what that is.